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The Best Compact, Safe Plug-in & Use

Xming Laser Engraver

Mini-projecteur 1080P

Xming Q1 SE

Red Dot Design Winner

Good Design Award

Good Design Award

iF Design Award

iF Design Award

CES Innovation Award

CES Innovation Award

THX certified

Certifié THX®

TUV Rheinland

Tüv Rheinland


Is an ALR Screen and Projector Combo Better Than a TV?

Is an ALR Screen and Projector Combo Better Than a TV?

You’re probably aware that opting for an ambient light rejecting (ALR) screen over a traditional one can take your experience of an ultra-short throw (UST) projector to new heights. However, have you ever considered the fact that a UST and ALR combo is significantly better than any 4K UHD television on the market?

Which Subscription Services Give You Dolby Vision Content?

Which Subscription Services Give You Dolby Vision Content?

With Dolby Vision and your Formovie THEATER, you don’t need to locate your nearest Dolby Vision cinema. The magic comes alive in your own living room, transforming each viewing session into an unforgettable journey. So, whether it’s the latest blockbuster or a beloved classic, immerse yourself in Dolby Vision and experience entertainment like never before.

How Does the Xming Page One Perform in the Real World?

How Does the Xming Page One Perform in the Real World?

Discover why the Xming Page One projector is earning rave reviews in the world of portable projectors. Offering seamless setup, smart features, and impressive performance, it’s winning the hearts of reviewers and users in the home entertainment world. 

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